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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Family Reunion

My Dad wanted me to come home to Scio, Oregon for a big family reunion, so I took the train down to Albany, Oregon.  We had a great 4th of July yesterday, and this coming Saturday is the big family shindig at my dads.  A few days after that, I'll be back on the road again.

I've really enjoyed the time that I've had to see my family and friends, and it's felt good to kick back and relax for a bit.  But now I've got ants in my pants, and I'm ready to get back out on the road.  I'll probably just start out in Albany and start walking west over to the coast, then head south all the way down to Baja California.  I've got plans up until Tuesday of next week; so after that is when I'll probably leave.

I've also had this time to revamp my gear.  Instead of pushing my cart, I've eliminated a lot of stuff and will head out from here with a backpack.  It will be somewhat heavy --just over 40 lbs -- but I think I'll be ok.  Of course, after the first couple weeks, I'll have eliminated even more stuff  :-) and should have it down to an art.  After carrying it for a couple weeks, I'll know for sure what I really want in that pack!

I'm looking forward to the family reunion this weekend.  It's been many years since I've seen everyone, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the get together.  But I'm also looking forward to getting back out on the road again.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun at the reunion and say hi to your Dad for me. Your cousin Valerie
