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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bullards Beach State Park

Cape Blanco Lighthouse
I left North Bend and headed for Coos Bay 3 miles away, thinking I'd just probably find a spot on the north end of town and not really leave town.  Well, I did find a spot on the north end of town.  There's an RV park there, and when I asked if I could camp overnight there, the owner said no, that no tenters are allowed.  The motel nearby was over $100, so I just kept walking.  I headed out of town, and kept going.....and going....and going.  Fourteen miles later, I spotted a lake, with a gravel road that ran alongside of it, and several houses.  I headed down that gravel road, hoping to find an inconspicuous spot to pitch my tent.  The sun was still out, and it was nice by the lake, so I decided to get out my chair and just sit for a spell, to see if anyone would drive by.  Sure enough, awhile later, Scott drove by.  I asked him who owned the property and if it'd be ok if I put my tent up overnight.  Scott said that his Dad owned the property, and that he was sure it'd be fine if I camped out there.  We visited for a bit longer, and he drove off.

A few minutes later, while I was setting my tent up, Scott came back.  He said he had to go to Bandon and get some gas, and why don't I just let him take me there?  I mentioned that I was hoping to get to Bullards Beach State Park just before Bandon, and he said fine.  So I put my tent away, and he drove me 10 miles to the park.  I totally enjoyed visiting with Scott, especially when he said that he's never, ever picked up a stranger or given anybody a ride before.  So of course my next question was "Then why me?"  He said he didn't think I looked like an axe murderer to him, and he knew I could probably find a more comfortable place to pitch a tent than on a gravel road.  He went on to say that he's not real keen about talking to strangers -- again, I was quite amused! -- and that he was visiting with his pastor, who said he loves to talk to strangers so he can talk about his faith.  I guess Scott mulled over that, and I was his first recipient.  I mentioned to Scott that I'm also carrying Bibles with me to give to others, and he asked me if he could have one.  So when we got to the park, I gave Scott a Bible and he gave me a hug.  And as I set up my tent in a nice spot at Bullards Beach State Park, all I could think of was God Bless my friend Scott.

I have a huge blister on my foot, and after getting situated and taking a hot shower, I felt much better.  It was around 9pm, and I was glad to be safe and warm and settled in. 

Coquille River Lighthouse

Camping out at Bullards Beach State Park
I spent the next day taking it easy at the park, and enjoyed visiting with other campers.  I took a walk to the beach, and enjoyed a day off.  I had contacted Brian through couchsurfing, who owns a hostel in Port Orford, and when I contacted him, he emailed me back and said I could stay at their house in Bandon, and also their hostel in Port Orford.  So that evening I texted him and said I was at the park and that I'd be in Bandon in the morning.  He immediately called me and said that they live a mile away from the park and that I could stay with them if I'd like.  I said I was already settled in, and he told me they were cooking some fresh crab and that he'd bring me some.  A bit later, Brian pulled up to the park gate and handed me a bag full of cooked crab.  I headed back to my camping area and chowed down on some wonderful just caught, just cooked crab.  Life is good.

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