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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Port Hardy, BC

May 30-31, Tues-wed

I arrived in Port Hardy at 10:30 pm, and Ann was there to pick me up and take me to the hostel.  I know this might sound selfish, but it made my day to know that there was someone at the other end waiting for me.  She took me to the hostel and I got settled in for the night.

On Wednesday I did some walking around town and checked out Port Hardy, BC.  I started off by heading out to the Coast Guard unit, where I asked them for a patch.  They said the only patches they had were all sewed on their shirts.  We visited for awhile, and discussed in detail the road from here to Campbell River, a little over a hundred miles long.  Aside from a couple towns, theres not much out there besides a few black bears (no grizzlies, though.)  They did mention that after I get to Campbell River, not only will it be much more populated, but there will be a big change in the weather, and it will be warmer and dryer.  After that I stopped at the Visitor Center and got some more information about the road from here down to Victoria.  She then pointed out a couple trails around town that she thought I'd enjoy walking, so after our visit I headed out to one of those trails.  I followed a trail that took me down to the harbor area and then angled around a campground, and after that I headed back downtown and had a frosted mug of A&W Root Beer. 

Tomorrow, on June 1st, I'll be heading down the road, just me and my cart, on my way to Victoria, BC. 


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