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Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Countdown continues...

One more month left before I hit the road.  Things are happening fast now.

I've been going over all my gear, loading, unloading, shuffling around, rearranging, and loading it up again with what I want to haul with me.  I got a camping chair to take with me -- like a regular chair only it's low to the ground.  It weighs 8 lbs, and that really gave me reason to pause, but I clearly remember on my last trek when it poured down rain all day long, and I spent the whole day inside my tent wishing I had a chair to sit in.  I'm sure this one will get MUCH use.  One reason I like it low to the ground is because I can have it inside my tent, and (ok, I'll give you 2) also, if I take a break and sit in my chair, then I can lay the cart down in front of me and elevate my feet! (Boy, does that sound lazy or what??)

I've got my bear-proof food container filled to the brim.  It has 15 servings of the red beans & rice/chicken/vegetable concoctions I put together in it, 2 dried soup mixes, 18 power bars, a jar of peanut butter, a honey bear, a lb of jerky, a bunch of tea bags, and some tortillas.  That should keep me going for a few days.

I've been going through the clothes I plan on taking, too. 4 pairs of shorts & 4 t-shirts, 7 pairs of ankle socks, 7 undies, 1 set of long johns, 1 fleece pullover, 1 vest jacket, rain gear (pants & jacket), a baseball cap that says "Prudhoe Bay, Alaska" on it, a cotton cap that has LSU on it, some pj's, a pair of sandals, and I think that's it.

It's rather amusing as I go through all my stuff and try and decide what I absolutely can't live without!

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