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Sunday, April 29, 2012


Tonight is my last night of work.  At 6am tomorrow, I'll be officially unemployed.  That's a pretty sobering thought. 

Also tomorrow, a co-worker will be buying my Chevy S-10 pickup, so I'll be out from under that debt.

Plans are finalizing, contacts are being made, loose ends are being tied up, and I've packed, unpacked, repacked,  rearranged, reconsidered, and repacked again.  I'm antsy, and ready to hit the road.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Two More Weeks of Employment

Yesterday and today I went to the clinic to have some blood work done.  I want a page with all my numbers and "levels" on it, so that I can use that as a base where I'm starting from.  Then, in another year, I can get another physical and compare those results with this one.  Hopefully the next one will be somewhat of an improvement.  Actually, the only number that was a little bit high was my cholesterol.  It was 220.

We looked over all the immunizations I've had recently, and decided that I should probably get a malaria shot, a rabies vaccine, a shot for yellow fever and possibly a typhoid shot.  I asked him for a prescription for Ibuprofen 800, Allegra D, and a zpack.  He gave me that, plus an Epi-pen.  I'll probably hold off on those other shots until I get to northern California.

I decided to walk the 2 miles to the clinic with my loaded-up cart this morning.  The walk went well.  I started out by first hooking it up to the harness I had built for me and the cart.  It went well enough, but there's a definite sway, or rhythm to pulling the cart behind me.  On the way back from the clinic, I just pushed the cart in front of me.  That seemed quite a bit easier, and more comfortable.  I'm glad to know, though, that I can haul the cart either way.  The cart was mostly loaded up, with only a few items missing.  I still need to pack up my sleeping pad, some butt-wipes, and some jugs of water.  Otherwise, I think I had everything today on the "trial run."

The weather has been nice, and I'm looking forward to getting back on the road again.