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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Making Plans

Plans are being made to get back out on my trip.  In 2009, my goal was to walk from Alaska to South America.  I made it not quite to Dot Lake, AK before it started snowing -- and I knew I wasn't going to camp out in central Alaska during the winter.  So I hitchhiked back north to Delta Junction, AK and got a job for the winter, hoping to head back out in spring -- but after 2 yrs I'm still here.  I've enjoyed my stay, and have made many great friends.  But my heart is out on the open road, and that's where I want to be.  So I'm planning on heading back out again in May.

I'm going to start out around Gerstle River Bridge (south of Delta Junction) and head down the Alaska Highway.  I've lived in Alaska for 8 yrs now, and I've always wanted to go to Juneau, so nows my chance.  I'll walk to Whitehorse, YK and then down to Skagway, AK where I'll take the ferry to Juneau.  I'll spend a couple days there, then make a stop in Ketchikan, and finally jump back off at Prince Rupert and walk on over to Prince George.  From there I'll head south and make a jog through Vancouver Island, then jump over into Washington at Port Angeles and loop west around Olympic National Park.  From there I'll wind my way down to Astoria, Oregon, and then head to Portland to visit my sister.  I hope to be down there around Christmas time.  From there I'll wind my way down through the Willamette Valley through Salem and Eugene, and at that point I have 2 options:  if it's spring or summer, then I'll head east and go to Crater Lake before I head into California.  If it's winter time, then I'll head west to the Oregon Coast and walk down the coast.  When I hit California, I plan on walking all the way down the coast to LaPaz, and taking a ferry over to Mazatlan, Mexico.

From there I'll head down the coast through Guadalajara and Acapulco on over to Tapachula.  In Central America I'll go through Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, where I'll go to Colon and take a ferry over to Cartagena, Columbia.  From there I'll head into Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina and hopefully end up at Ushuaia. 

And when I get there?  I would love to go on an Antarctica cruise, and I'd also like to stop off and visit Ernest Shackelton.  We'll see about that.